
柯杜瑞琴 Jui-Chin Ko Tu
  • 世界華人工商婦女企管協會 創會總會長
  • 台茂關係企業 董事長
  • 立安東化工股份有限公司 董事
  • 世界十大傑出華商婦女「華冠獎」 創辦人 
  • 華冠獎得主聯誼會 永久榮譽會長
  • 台中市政府 市政顧問
  • 財團法人台北明光基金會 董事長

世界華人工商婦女企管協會走過歷史29 年,是唯一世界總會設置在中華民國行政院內政部, 登記合法的國際婦女社團。歷屆總會長走遍全球各地,領導團隊傳承,遵循世華宗旨任務,結合全球僑胞女企業家發展組織,分會遍佈全球三大洋六大洲近80 個分會,且仍在持續成長中。

僑胞是中華民國催生者也是捍衛者,更是協助國家向前邁進的動力及外交尖兵。世華姐妹們旅居各僑居地,運用人脈網絡協助拓展外交空間,增強中華民國的能見度、協助行銷台灣優勢軟實力, 連結全球華人,壯大國家,這是世華平台努力的方向。

第十一屆陳阡蕙總會長帶領卓越團隊,短短兩年內展現不凡的執行力,更不畏疫情前往海外完成世華多項里程碑,不僅讓世華傳愛遍及全球各地,更讓世華姐妹們可以在資訊學習無國界、零時差的世華CEO 書院on line 成長,光榮卸任,交出璀璨成績單。




Founding Global Chairwoman Jui-Chin Ko Tu
  • Global Federation of Chinese Business Women Founding Chairwoman
  • Taimao Affiliated Enterprises Chairman
  • Li Andong Chemical Co., Ltd. Board Director
  • Top ten outstanding Chinese business women “Huaguan Award” Founder
  • Huaguan Award Friendship Committee Permanent Honorary Chairwoman
  • Taichung City Government Municipal Advisory
  • Taipei Mingguang Foundation Chairman
Deep involvementand looking forward to enhanced expansioninternationally, creating the brilliant glory of GFCBW throughout the world

GFCBW has gone through 29 years of history, and is the only international women’s association set up in the Ministry of the Interior of the Executive Yuan of the Republic of China to register as a legal interna­tional women’s association. FormerGFCBW Chairwomans have traveled all over the world, leading the team to inherit the heritage, following the objectives nd mission of GFCBW tocollaborate with global woman en­terpreneurs to develop the organization. There are now nearly 80 GFCBW chaptersin three oceans and six continents around the world,and the number of chaptersis still growing continuously.

Overseas Chinese are both the catalysts and defenders of the Republic of China-Taiwan, and they are also the driving force and diplomatic vanguard to help the country move forward. The GFCBW sisters live in various overseas Chinese communities, use their network of contacts to help expand Taiwan’s diplomatic space, enhance Taiwan’s visibility, help to market Taiwan’s superior soft power, connect Chinese people around the world, and strengthen the country. These are the directions of GFCBW’s platform efforts.

The 11th GFCBW Chairwoman, Chen Chien-hui, led an outstanding team to show extraordinary execu­tion in her two-year term.She was not afraidof the epidemic, she traveled overseas to complete a number of milestones of GFCBW, not only the federation can spread love and bonbding all over the world.During the past 2-year, COVID time, she connectedall the sisters in the federationgloballyvia viedo conferences so all siters from different chapters, countriescan growwith the information learning. She will step down gloriously, handing over brilliant reports.

The 12th new GFCBW Chairwoman, Chuang Chu Wei,is awinner from the 5th Huaguan Award. She also served as a Vice Chairwoman forthe 10th and 11th of GFCBW. In addition, she served as the Chair­woman of the Huaguan Award Winners Association. ChairwomanChuang is the general manager of The Janet Group, which extends into textiles,hospitality, medical aesthetics and other businesses. While running this huge group of enterprises, she has also set up an education foundation and has spared no effort in de­voting herself to public welfare. In addition to running a business, promoting juniors and later-movers and pay back to Society, Chairwoman Chuang can be called a woman in the new era, best-termed“The era of women’s power”.

I believe that under the leadership of her well-rounded and resource-integrating characteristics, GFC­BWwill be able to unite Chinese businesswomen around the world and enhance their international macro vision. The value of GFCBW lies in the wisdom of outstanding entrepreneurs, mutual learning and growth, the flexible power of the global platform, and its warm donations to public welfare.

The federation can gain today’s scale and reputation, is the formerChairwomans, Huaguan Award win­ners, the world’s branch Chairwomans, supervisors, consultants, members and sisters get together to earn the hard-won results with the concerted efforts. I expect the 12th Chairwoman Chuang Chu Wei to lead the GFCBW to become an important network and communication platform for overseas Chinese business women around the world, the new female force to be relied in national diplomacy, with deep involvement and looking forward to its enhanced international expansion, creating more glorythroughout the worldforthe next level of GFCBW.