【世華】是第一個在台灣立案,發展到全世界的華商婦女菁英社團組織。經過30 年的努力,歷經12 屆總會團隊的卓越領航,已經在世界三大洋、六大洲成立89 個分會,成為全球華商婦女最重要的交流平台,更是僑務、外交、公益慈善的重要貢獻者。
於2024 年10 月上任的第13 屆總會長林淑敏,現任啟昇建設機構董事長,在澳洲和台灣的事業領域涵蓋建設開發、不動產投資、餐飲、教育、和生技美容等。在僑務外交和公益慈善領域,也有很高的成就,包括擔任僑務委員,和主持三個設立於新北市的公益組織-- 弘揚孝道促進會、明德社區發展協會、啟玉社會福利慈善基金會,在澳洲僑區和自己的故鄉,都有非常顯著的貢獻。
在第七屆【華冠獎】接受表揚的淑敏總會長,於2004 年創立澳洲分會,帶領家族女性投入分會會務發展的協助,二十年如一日。難得的是,她的先慈林廖玉女士,曾經擔任【世華】第五屆總會長,算是我的前輩。在我脊椎做大手術期間,為我持念【梁皇寶懺】功德迴向、祈禱祝福,讓我至今仍然感念在心。
母女兩人分別於2004 年和2024 年上任【世華】領導人,這樣的紀錄,莫說「前無古人」,想要「後有來者」都是不可能的事情。能夠造就這樣的功績,都源於林廖玉名譽總會長用心護持【世華】會務的身教,以及要林家後輩永遠守護【世華】的耳提面命。
相隔20 年,兩代領航,傳承奉獻精神,更造就永恆的價值。我們非常期待在淑敏總會長的領導之下,總會團隊同舟共濟,ㄧ起完成世代交替、再造新猷的使命。也期盼全球會員姊妹萬眾一心,在每一段歷史進程,全心投入,全力相挺,共同造就屬於我們的光榮史頁!
Two Generations of Leadership, Inheriting Values
The GFCBW is the first elite businesswomen’s organization established in Taiwan and expanded globally. After 30 years of effort and the outstanding leadership of 12 terms of chairwomen, GFCBW has established 89 chapters across the three major oceans and six continents, becoming the most important platform for global Chinese businesswomen. It is also a significant contributor to overseas community affairs, diplomacy, and charitable activities.
Shu Min Lin, who took office as the 13th Chairwoman of GFCBW in October 2024, is currently the Chairperson of Chi Shen Construction Group. Her business interests span construction development, real estate investment, dining, education, and biotech and beauty industries in both Australia and Taiwan. Lin also has significant achievements in overseas community affairs, diplomacy, and charitable work, serving as an Overseas Community Affairs Commissioner and leading three public welfare organizations based in New Taipei City— the Filial Piety Promotion Association, Ming De Community Development Association, and Qi Yu Social Welfare Charity Foundation. Her contributions are well recognized in both the overseas Chinese community in Australia and her hometown in Taiwan.
As the recipient of the 7th “Hua Guan Award,” Chairwoman Shu Min Lin founded the Australian chapter of GFCBW in 2004. For 20 years, she has led her family’s women to support the development of chapter activities with unwavering dedication. Notably, her late mother, Lin Liao-Yu, served as the 5th Chairwoman of GFCBW, making her my predecessor. During my spinal surgery, she recited and dedicated the merit of the “Liang Emperor’s Repentance Sutra” for my recovery, a gesture for which I remain deeply grateful.
This mother-daughter duo respectively took office as GFCBW leaders in 2004 and 2024, creating a unique legacy that is likely unparalleled and difficult to replicate. This remarkable achievement stems from Honorary Chairwoman Lin Liao-Yu’s wholehearted commitment to GFCBW and her guidance to her family to always protect and support GFCBW.
With a 20-years gap between them, these two generations of leadership exemplify the spirit of dedication and have created lasting value. We eagerly anticipate that under Chairwoman Shu Min Lin’s leadership, the GFCBW team will work together to fulfill the mission of generational succession and the creation of new achievements. We also hope that all members and sisters across the globe will unite with one heart, devote themselves fully, and support each other wholeheartedly, creating a glorious chapter in our shared history!