
黎淑瑛 Shu-Ying Li
  • 美國聯合旅館投資管理公司副總裁
  • 世界華人工商婦女企管協會第九屆總會長
  • 中華民國僑務諮詢委員
  • 第三屆世界十大傑出華商婦女華冠奬得主
  • 美國國際領袖基金會顧問
  • 海華文教基金會董事
  • 美國休士頓關懷急難救助協會會長
女力展翅 閃亮世華

「女力」不單是女性力量的簡稱,更是一種堅韌、細膩、不畏挑戰的精神,【世華】承襲女性的優質,於1994 年創立,即開啟與世界接軌的里程碑;全球的華商婦女有幸加入這塊園地,突破職涯發展的「玻璃天花板」,追逐夢想,展現自我價值及強大社會影響力。

【世華】總在不斷追求成長與卓越的過程中,持續創新優質,歷久彌新;歷經柯杜創會總會長及歷任總會長的努力經營,現今會員遍佈全世界79 個分會,姊妹們從角色淬鍊女力典範,成為一顆顆璀璨發光的星星,揮灑美麗人生。



Honorary Chairwoman Shu-Ying Li
  • United Hotel Investment Management Company of the United States Vice CEO.
  • 9th Chairwoman of GFCBW
  • Senior Adviser of Overseas Community Affairs Council, R.O.C. Taiwan
  • 3rd winner of Top Ten Global Outstanding Chinese Business Women Award by GFCBW
  • American International Leaders Foundation Consultant
  • Director, Overseas Compatriots Culture and Education Foundation Board
  • Houston Taiwanese Care and Assistance Association President
Female Power spreads its wings and makes the GFCBW shine

“Female Power” is not only the simple way of describing women’s strength, but also a spirit of tenacity, delicacy, and no fear of challenges. GFCBW, which inherits thesequalities of women, was founded in 1994, initiating a milestone of integration with the world. Chinese businesswomen from all over the world are fortunate to join this garden to break through the “glass ceiling” of career develop­ment, chase their dreams, and show their self-worth and strong social influence.

GFCBW embodies the processes of continuous pursuit of growth and excellence, continuous innovation and quality, sustainability, and renewal; Through the hard work of the founderof the as­sociation, Jui-chin Ko Tu, and successive Chairwomen,GFCBW members are spread across 79 branches around the world today, and the sisters have become brilliant and shining stars for the role of self-training and female strength.

The new 12thChairwoman, Monica Chuang, is a model of female strength indeed, showing different facets in all aspects of the workplace, social status and personal life, practicing the power emitted by different roles, and urging herself with an “innocent and straight heart” to devote herself to public welfare and spare no effort, making the exemplar for the “era of female power”.

In the next two years, Chairwoman Chuang will serve as the chief helmswoman of GFCBW.We hope that all sisters will chase their dreams together under the leadership of Chairwoman Chuang, focus on innovation, and become a key force to change the world.