
華冠獎得主聯誼會主委 賴淑芬
  • 曼都國際股份有限公司董事長
  • 樺美食品股份有限公司董事長
  • 第十屆台灣連鎖暨加盟協會 理事長
  • 全國中小企業總會 常務理事
  • 世界十大傑出華商婦女「華冠獎」第七屆得主
華冠綻放 共好世界

2018 年淑芬因【華冠獎】與【世華】結緣,並深深被【世華】的理念所感動,在柯杜創會總會長堅定的信念以及歷屆總會長的帶領下,各分會姐妹都秉持【世華】的宗旨:「心懷世界、掌握脈動、建立網絡、發展經貿」,在公益慈善及僑務外交上不遺餘力的耕耘。讓【世華】在國際具有舉足輕重的位置,更提升了傑出台商婦女在國際的地位。


「砥礪成長、共好學習」是【世華】相當珍貴的價值,【華冠獎得主聯誼會】將繼續成為全球姐妹們學習成長的平台,「華冠CEO 論壇」將延續前總會長時間規劃,在世界台商總會活動前後辦理,預計於2025 年4/25 及8/26、2026 年4/24 及8/26 舉行,我們將廣邀更多實務知名企業家來分享成功經驗。


最後恭喜2024 年的十位華冠獎得主,歡迎妳加入世華這個溫暖的大家庭,期許我們相互鼓勵,傳遞世華的愛到社會,也傳遞世華的理念給更多傑出的女性企業家,讓這份溫柔的力量擴散到全世界,永續傳承下去。

Debra Lai

Chairwoman, Mentor Group
Chairwoman, HWA MEI FOOD Co., Ltd.
President, 10th Taiwan Chain and Franchise Association
Executive Director, National Association of Small and Medium Enterprises
Winner, 7th Hua Guan Award for Top Ten Outstanding Chinese Businesswomen

Hua Guan Blossoms, Creating a Better World

In 2018, My connection with the Hua Guan Award and the GFCBW deeply touched me. Under the steadfast belief of Founding Chairwoman Ko Tu and the leadership of past chairwomen, all chapter members have upheld the GGFCBW’s mission: “Envisioning the world, Embracing new trends, Establishing networks, and Developing economy and trade.” They have devoted themselves tirelessly to public welfare and overseas diplomacy, elevating GFCBW’s significant international position and enhancing the global status of outstanding Taiwanese businesswomen.

As a fellow recipient of the 7th Hua Guan Award, I was invited by Chairwoman Shu Min to join efforts for the 13th term while serving as the Vice Chairwoman of the Hua Guan Award Winners’ Association during the 12th term. “Walking with the wise will make you extraordinary; associating with benefactors will lead you to the peak.” At GFCBW, I met the influential people in my life who shattered my previous thinking. Joining the Hua Guan Award Winners’ Fellowship further elevated my perspective and led me to a higher platform.

“Forge growth, learn together” is a treasured value of GFCBW. The Hua Guan Award Winners’ Association will continue to be a platform for learning and growth for all members worldwide. The “Hua Guan CEO Forum,” planned by previous chairwomen, will be held before and after the World Taiwanese Chambers of Commerce(WTCCT) events, with sessions scheduled for April 25 and August 26, 2025, and April 24 and August 26, 2026. We will invite more renowned entrepreneurs to share their success stories.

The Hua Guan Award Winners’ Association is Chairwoman Shu Min’s strongest support, collaborating with all chapters to advance the association’s development. I will adhere to Chairwoman Shu Min’s goals of “ Inheritance, Spreading Love, Transmitting value” and use this platform to effectively integrate resources and expertise from various sectors, fostering emotional exchanges and mutual support among global GFCBW members.

Finally, congratulations to the ten Hua Guan Award winners of 2024. Welcome to the warm GFCBW family. Let us encourage each other, spread the love of GFCBW throughout society, and share its ideals with more outstanding female entrepreneurs, allowing this gentle power to extend worldwide and continue its legacy.