
柯杜瑞琴 Jui-Chin Ko Tu
  • 世界華人工商婦女企管協會 創會總會長
  • 台茂關係企業 董事長
  • 立安東化工股份有限公司 董事
  • 世界十大傑出華商婦女「華冠獎」 創辦人
  • 華冠獎得主聯誼會 永久榮譽會長
  • 台中市政府 市政顧問
  • 財團法人台北明光基金會 董事長
智慧共識共創繁榮 三十風華榮耀世華

世界華人工商婦女企管協會走過歷史30 年,唯一世界總會設置在中華民國行政院內政部登記合法的國際婦女社團,歷屆總會長走遍全球各地,領導團隊傳承,遵循世華宗旨任務,結合全球僑胞女企業家成立分會,分會遍佈全球三大洋六大洲89 個分會,組織仍在繼續成長中。

恭喜十三屆新任林淑敏總會長眾望所歸帶領卓越團隊,林淑敏總會長是【華冠獎】第七屆得主,目前擔任啟昇國際機構董事長,經營海內外不動產投資與建築,事業有成之餘成立財團法人新北市啓玉慈善福利基金會,投身公益不遺餘力。提攜後進也回饋社會,堪稱具備國際視野、擁有前瞻眼光,更以大愛精神服務全球會員。2004 年創立世華澳洲分會,擔任過世華總會第八屆、第十一屆、第十二屆副總會長,資歷經驗豐富,是才德兼備、事業成功的典範女企業家。擔任僑務委員時協助政府發展國民外交與僑務推動,使中華民國在全球能見度更提昇,堪稱華商「新時代女力」。





Jui-Chin Ko Tu
  • Founding President of the World Association of Chinese Women Entrepreneurs
  • Chairperson of Tai Mao Group
  • Director of Lian Dong Chemical Co., Ltd.
  • Founder of the “Hua Guan Award” for the Top Ten Outstanding Chinese Businesswomen in the World
  • Lifetime Honorary President of the Hua Guan Award Recipients Association
  • Municipal Advisor to the Taichung City Government
  • Chairperson of the Taipei Ming Guang Foundation
Wisdom, Consensus, and Joint Prosperity – Thirty Glorious Years of GFCBW

The GFCBW has traversed 30 years of history. It is the only international women’s organization legally registered within the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of China. Past chairwomen have traveled globally, leading teams and carrying forward the mission of GFCBW. They have established chapters worldwide, with 89 chapters across three major oceans and six continents, and the organization continues to grow.

Congratulations to the newly elected Chairwoman Shu Min Lin of the 13th session, who has been chosen by popular acclaim to lead the distinguished team. Chairwoman Shu Min Lin is the recipient of the 7th Hua Guan Award and currently serves as the President of Chi Shen International Institution, overseeing real estate investment and construction both domestically and internationally. Beyond her successful career, she has established the New Taipei City Qi Yu Welfare Charity Foundation, dedicating herself to public welfare and community service. With a global perspective, foresight, and the spirit of great love, she serves members worldwide. In 2004, she founded the GFCBW Australia Chapter and has served as Vice President in the 8th, 11th, and 12th sessions, demonstrating rich experience and exemplary success as an entrepreneur. As a member of the Overseas Chinese Affairs Commission, she has assisted the government in advancing national diplomacy and overseas affairs, enhancing the visibility of the Republic of China globally, and exemplifying the “New Era Female Power” of Chinese businesswomen.

Under Chairwoman Shu Min Lin’s leadership, characterized by humility, kindness, and a willingness to shoulder responsibility, the integration of Chapter consensus, and the unity of global Chinese businesswomen, we believe there will be a positive impact and contribution to the international macro perspective of Chinese businesswomen, enhancing their global competitiveness and social status.

Overseas Chinese are not only the progenitors and defenders of the Republic of China but also serve as driving forces and diplomatic pioneers advancing the nation. GFCBW members, residing in various locations, use their networks to expand diplomatic space, enhance the visibility of the Republic of China, promote Taiwan’s soft power, and connect global Chinese communities. This is the direction of GFCBW’s efforts.

The current scale and reputation of GFCBW are the results of the collective efforts of past chairwomen, Hua Guan Award recipients, global chapter presidents, board members, advisors, and members. The value of GFCBW lies in the wisdom of outstanding entrepreneurs, mutual encouragement, learning, and growth.

We look forward to Chairwoman Shu Min Lin, in her 13th term, leading the organization to examine Taiwan’s future from an international macro perspective, combining chapters to become an important global network and communication platform for Chinese businesswomen, as well as a new force in national diplomacy. Cherish and support GFCBW to create boundless life value!